23.6 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
M236HVR01.0 CELL ndi 23.6 ″ diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD yowonetsera gulu kuchokera ku AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO), yopanda kuwala kwa kumbuyo, popanda chophimba.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C, kutentha kosungirako ndi 0 ~ 65 ° C.Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Chiwonetsero Chopindika, 165Hz, Matte, 1500R.Kutengera mawonekedwe ake, QiangFeng amalangiza kuti chitsanzo ichi chigwiritsidwe ntchito pa Desktop Monitor, Masewero etc.Built-in 6 source chips driver driver IC.Malinga ndi zomwe zasungidwa ku QiangFeng mtundu uwu wa kupanga misala pa Q1, 2020, Tsopano mtundu uwu ukupangidwa.Pali zinthu 7 ndi ogulitsa 3 amtunduwu pa QiangFeng.Tidayika zomwe zamtunduwu pa Marichi 11 2021 kwa nthawi yoyamba, komanso zosintha zaposachedwa kwambiri pa Aug 5 2021. Ngati mukufuna kuyika CELL muzogulitsa zanu zamtsogolo, QiangFeng ikulimbikitsa kwambiri kuti mulumikizane ndi AUO kapena ndi wothandizira kuti aphunzire posachedwapa. Kupanga ndi tsatanetsatane wa M236HVR01.0 CELL.Mawonekedwe opangidwa ndi ndiwongotchula okha ndipo sayenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati maziko opangira zisankho za wogwiritsa ntchito.Zambiri zamatchulidwe zimayikidwa ndi mainjiniya a QiangFeng malinga ndi deta, koma zolakwika zitha kuchitika pakulowetsa.

32 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO) T320HVN05.6 CELL ndi 32.0 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD display panel product, without backlight, without touch screen.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Reverse I/F, Matte .Kutengera ndi mawonekedwe ake, QiangFeng amalangiza kuti chitsanzo ichi chigwiritsidwe ntchito pa TV Sets etc.Built-in 6 source chips driver driver IC.

40 inchi AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
T400HW01 V1 (Alias: T400HW01 V.1) ndi mawonekedwe a 40 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD kuchokera ku AU Optronics Corp. .Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Wide Colour Gamut, sRGB, Ndi Balance Board, Matte.

42 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
T420HVN08.0 ndi 42 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD display panel product from AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO), yokhala ndi dongosolo lothandizira la WLED backlight, Ndi Woyendetsa LED, wopanda chophimba.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Malo / Chithunzi, WLED Backlight, Ndi Woyendetsa LED, Reverse I/F, Matte, maola 16 / tsiku.

43 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO) T430HVN01.0 CELL ndi 43 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD yowonetsera gulu chopanga chowonetsera, chopanda kuwala kumbuyo, popanda chophimba.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Reverse I/F, Matte .Kutengera ndi mawonekedwe ake, QiangFeng amalangiza kuti chitsanzo ichi chigwiritsidwe ntchito pa TV Sets etc.Built-in 6 source chips driver driver IC.

48 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
P483IVN02.0 ndi 48.3 ″ diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD yowonetsera gulu kuchokera ku AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO), yokhala ndi makina owunikira kumbuyo a WLED, Ndi Woyendetsa LED, wopanda chophimba.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -30 ~ 60 ° C .Mawonekedwe ake akufotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Malo / Zithunzi, Kuwala Kwambiri, Kuwala kwa WLED, Moyo ≥ maola 70K, Ndi Woyendetsa LED, Bar Display, Matte , 110 ℃high Tni LC.Kutengera mawonekedwe ake, QiangFeng amalangiza kuti chitsanzo ichi ntchito Anatambasula Bar LCD etc.

50 inchi AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
T500QVN03.7 CELL ndi 50 ″ diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD zowonetsera gulu chochokera ku AU Optronics Corp. (amene amatchedwa AUO), popanda kuwala kumbuyo, popanda touchscreen.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Reverse I/F, 10 bit, Matte .Kutengera mawonekedwe ake, QiangFeng amalangiza kuti chitsanzo ichi chigwiritsidwe ntchito pa TV Sets etc.Built-in 12 source chips driver IC.

55 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
T550QVN05.7 CELL ndi mawonekedwe a 55 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD opangidwa kuchokera ku AU Optronics Corp.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: Reverse I/F, 10 bit, Matte .Kutengera mawonekedwe ake, QiangFeng amalangiza kuti chitsanzo ichi chigwiritsidwe ntchito pa TV Sets etc.Built-in 12 source chips driver IC.

58 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO) T576DC01 V1 (Alias: T576DC01 V.1) ndi mawonekedwe a 58 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD, yokhala ndi mawonekedwe ofunikira a WLED backlight, Ndi Dalaivala ya LED, yopanda chophimba.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Mawonekedwe ake akufotokozedwa mwachidule ndi QiangFeng motere: 120Hz, 3D Display, WLED Backlight, Yokhala ndi Dalaivala wa LED, 180 ° Reverse, 10 bit, Kuwala Kwambiri kwa 3D yoyera: 250 cd/m².

65 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
T650QVN07.5 CELL ndi 65 ″ diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD zowonetsera gulu chochokera ku AU Optronics Corp.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Ndi zambiri mbali ndi mwachidule ndi QiangFeng zotsatirazi: 10 pang'ono, Matte .

70 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO) T706DB01 V0 (Alias: T706DB01 V.0) ndi 70.6 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD display panel product, with the integral WLED backlight system, With LED Driver , popanda touch screen.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi izi: 120Hz, 3D Display, WLED Backlight, Yoyendetsa LED, 180 ° Reverse, 10 bit, Surface Luminance ya 3D yoyera: 200 cd/m².

75 inch AUO TV Panel OPEN CELL zosonkhanitsa
AU Optronics Corp. (yotchedwa AUO) T706DB01 V0 (Alias: T706DB01 V.0) ndi 70.6 inch diagonal a-Si TFT-LCD display panel product, with the integral WLED backlight system, With LED Driver , popanda touch screen.Imakhala ndi kutentha kwa 0 ~ 50 ° C , kutentha kosungirako ndi -20 ~ 60 ° C .Zomwe zimapangidwira zimafotokozedwa mwachidule ndi izi: 120Hz, 3D Display, WLED Backlight, Yoyendetsa LED, 180 ° Reverse, 10 bit, Surface Luminance ya 3D yoyera: 200 cd/m².